If you've just taken the dive into puppy parenthood, you could be forgiven for finding yourself a little bit out of your depth! Puppies, as well as being cute, are a massive commitment and offer challenges to even the most patient of owners.
We've drawn up a care schedule that is designed to give your pup the best start in life. By offering your fur baby a daily routine, you are giving them a massive head start. Toilet training becomes easier, they will be more responsive to behavioural training, and you might even get a full night's sleep! After the first month, you may want to start simplifying things as you and your pup get into the groove. We've based our schedule around crate training, but feel free to use it as a base for your own personal preferences.
06:30 - Outside for toilet. Start using a command like "Be quick"
07:00 - Food and water
08:00 - General puppy mayhem. Have fun. Wear them out!
09:00 - Outside for toilet
09:15 - In crate for quiet time
11:00 - Outside for toilet
11:15 - Training. Simple commands to start
11:45 - Food and water
12:00 - Free time (no playing or running so soon after eating)
13:00 - Outside for toilet
13:15 - In crate for quiet time
15:00 - Outside for toilet
15:15 - Training
15:45 - Food and water
16:00 - Free time (no playing or running so soon after eating)
17:00 - Outside for toilet
17:15 - In crate for quiet time
19:00 - Outside for toilet
19:15 - General puppy mayhem and more training if receptive
20:00 - Outside for toilet
20:15 - Food and water
20:30 - Free time and wind down (with regular toilet breaks)
22:45 - Outside for toilet
23:00 - In crate for bedtime
We hope you and your fur baby enjoy bonding with each other and wish you a lifetime of happiness.
